Hello, loves.  I hope you’re having an awesome Wednesday. I’ve already had a busy week at work thus far, and I’m counting down the days until Friday gets here (whohoo).
Today I want to talk to you about my faith, and how I’ve struggled with balancing my life.  As most of you may know, my faith is extremely important to me.  I was raised in a Christian household, but it wasn’t until my last year in college that I actually discovered my faith.  I say that, because I was going through the motions; going to church, praying, reading the word, but I didn’t really believe in what I was doing.  Also, it wasn’t really meaningful to me.  A friend of mine introduced me to a connect group in college, and that’s when my whole perception about Christ changed.  I found myself wanting to know more about Jesus, and grew a passion for God’s word. Today, I like to believe that I’m a radical for Christ, but I’ve struggled to live in a world full of temptations, and a world that constantly causes one to consider questioning their faith.  Over the years, my faith has grown to the point where it is unquestionable.  I believe so strongly in the power of God that nothing can shake or move me, but it took a while for me to get that way.  I mentioned that I developed my relationship with Christ in college, and we all know the temptations that college students face (there are a lot).  I found myself in situations where I didn’t even rely on God for advice (at all).  Back then, I thought that I was the ultimate controller of my life.  I always called myself a Christian and I believed in God (could quote a scripture in a heartbeat), but I was struggling to be bold and unashamed of my faith.  Behind closed doors; I prayed and had an intimate relationship with God, but in public it was hard to distinguish whether or not I was a Christian (I was young, WILD, and extremely carefree).  I struggled, because I wanted to have a close relationship with God, but I also wanted to live my life according to my own plans (become a Trap Queen-jk).  I had this perception that radical Christians were boring, and didn’t have any fun, so I chose to be a lukewarm Christian. I claimed Jesus when it was most convieniant for me.  It wasn’t until I joined my church and met other college students that I began to realize that there are many Christians out there like myself.  I couldn’t believe how many young adults there were who were relatable,  enjoyed life to the fullest, yet God was still their first priority.  After spending more time at my church, I began to realize that being a Christian is actually fun and most importantly fulfilling.
Practicing your faith is not always easy, and I know it can be difficult to find balance, so here’s a few tips/suggestions that have helped me over the years:
  1. Live your life according to God’s word.  This might be an obvious tip, but it is very important.  Sometimes we encounter people who tell us how we should and should not behave as Christians, but it is important to know God’s word and stand on it.  It is our book of life.  If we know God’s word, understand it, and what he requires from us; it will be easier for us to make our own decisions, and not be swayed by opinions. Whenever life becomes unbalanced, and you’re heading in the wrong direction, refer back to the book of life.  This will steer you in the right direction.
  2. Stay prayerful.  Prayer is the key to a balanced life.  If you are being tempted, or falling off course, remember to pray and ask God to order your steps, and make your path straight.  The best way to communicate with God is through prayer.  God wants our lives to be fulfilling, but we must be open with him about our struggles.  I mean, he is the one who created us, and knows us better than anyone.  He also loves and forgives us, regardless of our faults.
  3. Find an accountability partner.  An accountability partner is important, because we cannot live the Christian life by ourselves.  Find a friend or mentor that can follow up with you from time to time, and can be completely honest with you.  It’s great to have people that hold us accountable for our actions.  I have a few accountability partners and they have helped to keep me grounded.  We are there to “check” each other  when we’re wrong, but also there to love and support one another.  I love my accountability partners, because I don’t feel like I’m alone.  It’s great to know that there are other people who share the same faith, and sometimes have the same struggles.
  4. Have fun.  Dance like nobody is watching.  Laugh until you cry.  Be the life of the party. Travel across the world. Go on crazy adventures. Do whatever it is that makes you happy. Being a Christian does not mean that the fun stops (it’s only begun). Most importantly,  do not worry about other people’s opinions, or judgement.  God is your ultimate judge.
I know that balancing life and faith can be challenging at times, but if we remain positive, stay the course, and continue to trust God; he will make our paths straight.  I hope that this post is helpful, and that you’ll use some of  my tips if you’re struggling with balance. I also hope that everyone continues to have an amazing week, because the weekend will be here before you know it .

Xo, Ikea Alexis