“You won’t always be MOTIVATED, so you must learn to be disciplined.” My friend @emmalynlove_ shared this quote on her Instagram page yesterday and whew I felt that. Yesterday I had no motivation to blog, and honestly I felt the same way today.  Discipline kicked in and it’s the only thing that’s getting me through. It’s like something kept tugging me to get up and make a move. I started feeling uncomfortable with the thought of not writing any posts. I started thinking about what I wanted to accomplish for the week and I knew I needed to get myself together and bust out those blog posts.

Mattie’s Consistency challenge was also a motivating factor.  I don’t like to quit, so I’m determined more than ever to see this all the way through to the end.  If you’re new here and do not  know about Mattie James’ July Consistency Challenge, it’s where she’s challenging us (bloggers) to post every single day.  At the end of the challenge she’ll choose one person to win $1,000. If it weren’t for self-discipline and determination I probably would have quit last week.  I had all the motivation in the world week 1, but now that we’re on week 3 my motivation is nonexistent. This is why discipline beats motivation and it wins every time. I don’t know how many times I wanted to just not post, but because I’ve practiced discipline when it comes to blogging I do it anyway.  I do it, because of the greater reward.

To me being disciplined is all about what we want the most vs what we want now. When we keep this in mind, along with our WHY it’s so much easier to just push through and stay the course. Times are crazy and very unpredictable right now, but I’m challenging us all to practice discipline.  Remember why you started, keep your why in the back of your mind, and continue pressing on. Motivation may fail us, but discipline and consistency win every single time.