We all know about the big bad Instagram algorithm.  It’s supposed to “help” make our experience better; however I’ve found as a creator it’s actually made it harder and harder to grow. While the constant changes are frustrating I’m not getting worked up.

I decided a while ago that I wasn’t going to let an app drain my energy and peace. Yes, I plan my posts and I try to stay consistent, but that’s because I genuinely love sharing inspiration and I also love the connections that I’ve made on the platform. I’ve realized that my likes and follower count don’t really mean much, and these “rules” about Instagram are nothing more than speculation. Who made up a rule that you need at least 10k followers to be noticed by brands? Who made up a rule that you have to post everyday, or that your page doesn’t look good without a preset? None of that matters. It’s all speculation just like the details of the algorithm.

I used to spend hours on Instagram trying to follow as many pages as I could, but I realized that was a waste of time. I no longer spend hours and stress out over likes.  Honestly, it doesn’t define your growth or your success. Instead I focus on creating my best content.  I try to create content that I’m proud of at the end of the day.  When you’re doing your very best, creating your best work, and sharing what you love the right people/opportunities manage to find you. Instagram is in the money making business, so changes are inevitable. I realized that a while ago, which is why I just continue to focus on making an impact. What’s meant for me will always be for me, so it is what it is. Don’t let the algorithm have you losing sleep.  It’s definitely not worth it. Have a great day and I hope you continue to share your content, even if it doesn’t get the love that it deserves.