Welp it’s that time again. It looks like round 2 of quarantine + chill is approaching. As of today, Michigan is on a three week lock down. Mostly all indoor activities are restricted, due to COVID. I’ve seen other states issue indoor restrictions as well. I’m praying everyone stays healthy during this time. While we’re in the house protecting ourselves and others, we might as well be cute, right? Lounge wear is basically all that I’ve been wearing these days. I’ve been working from home during COVID and loungewear is definitely a must. I like to be cozy and cute and it’s getting pretty cold out. Today, I’ve rounded up my favorite lounge sets that are perfect for winter and great for working from home. *All items are linked in the WINTER LOUNGE SETS section.


  1. Annie

    November 20, 2020 at 6:59 am

    I agree with your post. If you’re going to be home, you may as well make the best if if…. Your lounge attire is both attractive and cozy looking. Thank you fir sharing.

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